MMP East London
With the London Community Gospel Choir
MMP East London
With the London Community Gospel Choir
MMP East London
With the London Community Gospel Choir
The Music Man Project East London
The Music Man Project in East London is run by the iconic London Community Gospel Choir. The aim of this partnership is to make singing and playing instruments accessible to all. We are dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals with learning disabilities through music education and performance in London. Our mission is to provide inclusive and accessible music services that empower children and adults to sing, play instruments, and express themselves creatively. Visit LCGC for more information.
Jenny La Touche and Yvonne Garsong
Time: Every other Thursday 4.00pm-6.00pm
Venue: London Community Gospel Choir, 75 Brookdale Road, London E17 6QH
Cost: £8 per session
"We love it! Such a beautiful session."