Calling Music Pioneers Across the Globe!
Join the International Alliance of Accessible Music Today. Founding Members: The Music Man Project (UK) and AllegroModerato (Italy)
International Alliance of Accessible Music
"Music is Magic in Milan" joint concert with AllegroModerato - September 2024
International Alliance of Accessible Music
First disabled music group to perform at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo, Canada - July 2024
Behind the Scenes Documentary
International Alliance of Accessible Music
Education and Performance in The Philippines

The International Alliance of Accessible Music  (IAAM) was founded by The Music Man Project (UK) and AllegroModerato (Italy) to help reverse perceptions of disability through music education and performance, from the local to the global. This is achieved through the following measures: 

  1. Connect accessible music education and performance providers around the world
  2. Share music, teaching resources and techniques
  3. Perform joint concerts at prestigious international venues
  4. Promote accessible music globally through sharing of member’s achievements, progress and events
  5. Convene annually to learn from each other and share best practice
  6. Train, mentor and inspire the next generation of Special Educational Needs music educators
  7. Fundraise to further the aims of the alliance and its members
  8. Attract new members to the alliance
Contact us to join our unique international alliance. 

Current Membership

  1. The Music Man Project (London, UK)
  2. AllegroModerato (Milan, Italy)
  3. Scooppiati Diversamente Band (Rome, Italy)

International Playlist

7 Videos

“The Music Man Project’s achievements are nothing short of remarkable. This method is key to SEND teaching in developing countries.

Tim Gocher MBE, Dolma Foundation, Nepal

“The most joyous time we’ve ever had. We couldn’t believe how much they’ve opened up. They spent their whole life being told to be quiet.

DIYA Foundation, Bangalore, India

The Music Man Project explores how the universal language of music can be used to free the constraints placed on people with learning disabilities across the world, joining them together through song, country by country. So far, The Music Man Project has reached South Africa, India, Nepal, America, Italy, Canada and the Philippines. Please contact us to start a Music Man Project in your country or receive a visit from The Music Man Project International team. The Music Man Project Global Ambassadors are also available for international performances and tours. 

View The Music Man Project’s International Galleries.